My first teaching job was at Greenville High School and I taught biology and physical science college prep and honors from 1995-2000.I was also was the head women’s basketball coach for junior varsity and varsity for 4 years. In addition I coached women’s Tennis. I took a little break from teaching in 2000 when our first daughter was born. Another daughter was born in 2001 and a third in 2003. After getting them in school I decided to return to my first love teaching. I began to teach again full time in 2008 here at Lakeview Middle School. I began here as reading interventionists with the Fast Forward program helping below grade level readers improve their reading skills. While holding this position our school received gold status for running this program at the highest level of reading instruction both years. I held this position for two years then transitioned to the 7th grade science classroom. I serve now in several capacities. Currently I am a team leader, a SIC member, and Hispanic Awareness committee member. I have also served on FLC at Lakeview Middle, and MMGW committees over the last 5 years.